
7 Ways to Fight Laziness and Take Action!

How to get rid of laziness and apathy Laziness and apathy – if not to start fighting in time, can become dangerous habits, forcing the body invariably to be in a passive mode. Forces less movement, more sitting and lying down.

If not cured, it affects the whole body. If action is taken in the early stages, it can easily be corrected. But it should be understood that this process is not fleeting, there is no magic pill. You will have to strain, to activate your body to fight laziness.

  • It relaxes the consciousness, forcing instead of necessary and useful affairs, to engage in useless nonsense, to indulge in idleness.
  • Constantly putting off important things for later, kills all desire and prevents the achievement of goals and self-development.
  • Laziness can be compared to the disease. It turns a person into a slow, willless creature who eventually lives by instincts – to eat, to sleep, to go to the toilet, to satisfy other natural needs. And the further you go, the worse it gets.

To cope with idleness, when the process is already much neglected, it is very difficult. So as soon as you notice that you have become lazy, take immediate action. Otherwise, unpleasant consequences will not be long in coming. Laziness has an unpleasant property – quickly become a habit. Many people do not even notice that, like a virus, it enters the body, instantly, and imperceptibly, starting to do its dirty work. Overcome and begin to work with laziness. There is a lot of training material on the Internet on this subject. But most of it is useless. It doesn’t matter if you got it for free or bought it for money. The reasons are psychological in nature. Apathy and inactivity are caused by wrong attitudes-convictions. This is a certain negative program, which is in your head, at a certain moment it is triggered and the brain gives the command to your body – do nothing! Consequently, it is necessary to fight with it by eliminating these wrong beliefs, otherwise nothing will work. Get to the bottom of your laziness, rethink the situation, try to replace your wrong beliefs with more correct ones. There will be serious and hard work. Of course, you can try to “pull yourself together”, but more effectively and rapidly it will happen only when you come to an experienced specialist for an appointment, or to sign up for a psychologist consultation online.

How to overcome laziness and begin to act It is very difficult to get rid of yourself and your habits, if you do not want to live the rest of your life as a vegetable. No one can cope with this psychological problem except the individual himself. Try not to give in to provocation. Lead an active lifestyle, get up earlier in the morning, take a contrast shower, air out your room so that the brain cells get the necessary oxygen. Think positively. As soon as you feel like doing “nothing,” remember that you are fighting laziness, and if you give in to it now, it will win.

How to force yourself to get rid of laziness – psychologist’s tips

Here are a few techniques that will help you:

  • Train yourself not to put off until tomorrow, even non-urgent things. Take it and do it now – in spite of the withdrawal state.
  • Start each day with exercise or light gymnastics. Don’t let your blood get stagnant.
  • Motivate yourself daily to succeed.
  • Eliminate negative thinking from your head, try to switch to positive thinking. Try to find the positives in everything.
  • Show your determination. When you feel like being lazy, imagine yourself as a fat, smelly piece of lard that’s been decomposing on the couch all day.
  • Ask your relatives to help you with this uphill struggle. Give them clear instructions on what to do in the situation if they catch you on the sofa.
  • Try to stand still in place, without moving, for about 20-30 minutes, you will feel tired, you will definitely want to start doing something abruptly. The result depends directly on the desire to cope with apathy.

Please do not confuse laziness with procrastination! This is a completely different psychological state – a person would be glad to do something, but can not, even the most worthwhile cases are put off for later!

Author: Barbara Lerner